OPIN-2016-0017 International Older Persons’ Day

Published 03/10/2016   |   Last Updated 06/10/2016


TABLED ON 30/09/16

R Signifies the Member has declared an interest


OPIN-2016-0017 International Older Persons' Day

Raised By:

Janet Finch-Saunders

Vikki Howells 3/10/16
Nick Ramsay 4/10/16
Janet Finch-Saunders 6/10/16
International Older Persons' Day

This Assembly:

  • Notes and replicates calls made in the Welsh Government's Ministerial Statement regarding the International Day of Older people, that loneliness and isolation can have a major impact on health and well-being.


  • Notes the work of the Older Peoples Commissioner for Wales, and her November 2015 report findings that 17% of people aged 75-79 and 63% aged over 80 feel lonely.


  • Calls for the introduction an Older People's Rights Bill, to extend the rights of older people and introduce a duty on public sector bodies to consult older people when making decisions which affect their lives.