06/09/2017 - Written Assembly Questions and Answers

Published 30/08/2017   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

Written Assembly Questions tabled on 30 August 2017 for answer on 6 September 2017

R - Signifies the Member has declared an interest.
W - Signifies that the question was tabled in Welsh.

(Self-identifying question no. shown in brackets)

Written Questions must be tabled at least five working days before they are to be answered. In practice, Ministers aim to answer within seven/eight days but are not bound to do so. Answers are published in the language in which they are provided, with a translation into English of responses provided in Welsh.


To ask the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on any plans the Welsh Government has to improve Rover Way road connections, and in particular provide details of any plans to link the Eastern Bay relief road to the A48 and M4? (WAQ74120)

Answer received on 7 September 2017

The Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure (Ken Skates): Phase one of the Eastern Bay Link was completed on 15 June. I have recently approved funding for the appointment of technical advisors to undertake a study as part of the next phase, which will identify transport solutions between Ocean Way roundabout and the A48 Eastern Avenue. Engagement with The City of Cardiff Council and other key stakeholders will begin this month to consider the scope of the project.

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on the number of jobs that the Cardiff Enterprise Zone has created in the financial services sector since its inception, listing the amount of jobs and the specific roles created each year? (WAQ74121)

Answer received on 7 September 2017

Ken Skates: I will write to you as soon as possible and a copy of my letter will be published on the Internet.

To ask the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Further to the answer provided in WAQ74083, will the Cabinet Secretary confirm how many candidates applied for each position and how many of those applicants were interviewed? (WAQ74122)

Answer received on 7 September 2017

The Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport (Vaughan Gething): Ten applications were received for the Chair of Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and five candidates were selected for interview.
Nine applications were received for the Chair of Cwm Taff University Health Board and four candidates were selected for interview.
Eleven applications were received for the Chair of Public Health Wales and four candidates were selected for interview.


Dai Lloyd (South Wales West): Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on the review into the delivery of trauma services in South Wales? (WAQ74129)

Answer received on 11 September 2017

Vaughan Gething: The NHS Wales Health Collaborative has been developing proposals for the establishment of a major trauma network to cover the region of south Wales, west Wales and south Powys.
Individual health boards will be considering recommendations in relation to the proposed network at their Board meetings during September. This will include formally receiving the independent panel’s report on the operation of a major trauma network and major trauma centre.
Health boards will be asked to consider the acceptance in principle of the recommendations from the independent panel, and to discuss further with community health councils the arrangements for a period of consultation based around those recommendations.
As part of well established processes, health boards routinely publish Board papers on their websites, and the public will therefore be able to access all of the relevant documentation in an open and transparent manner.
Dai Lloyd (South Wales West): Will the Cabinet Secretary provide a breakdown of the £6.8m funding allocated under the Genomics for Precision Medicine Strategy, and the timelines associated with each workstream? (WAQ74130)

Answer received on 11 September 2017

Vaughan Gething: The Genomics for Precision Medicine Strategy published in July 2017, sets out the breakdown of the £6.8m funding allocated for the Strategy. A copy of the Strategy can be found below:
The genomics taskforce will establish an evaluation work-stream to identify and monitor key process, output and outcome indicators. The Taskforce will also publish annual reports against key actions highlighted in this Strategy.


To ask the Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs

Darren Millar (Clwyd West): What consideration has the Welsh Government given to the provision of financial support for services such as Tir Dewi and Farm Crisis Network to ensure equal access to such services across Wales? (WAQ74124)

Answer received on 7 September 2017

The Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs (Lesley Griffiths): I recognise the valuable support and services these organisations provide to the farming industry in Wales. The Welsh Government does not currently have any direct funding relationships with the farming charities such as Tir Dewi and the Farm Crisis Network (now known as the Farming Community Network).
Darren Millar (Clwyd West): What consideration has the Welsh Government given to supporting the training and development needs of those volunteering for organisations such as Tir Dewi and Farm Crisis Network? (WAQ74125)

Answer received on 7 September 2017

Lesley Griffiths: During the adverse weather experienced in parts of Wales in 2013 the Welsh Government made £500,000 available to three farming charities to aid their work in supporting farmers most badly effected. The Welsh Government does not currently provide any direct funding for training and development to Tir Dewi and the Farm Crisis Network (now known as the Farming Community Network).
Mohammad Asghar (South Wales East): What is the Welsh Government's policy in relation to proposals to reintroduce the lynx to the Welsh countryside? (WAQ74128)

Answer received on 7 September 2017

Lesley Griffiths: The Welsh Government has not received any proposals to reintroduce the Lynx into Wales.
The reintroduction of any species into the wild should be considered on a case-by-case basis. The Welsh Government supports the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Guidelines for Reintroductions and Other Conservation Translocations.

To ask the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Cabinet Secretary provide a list of meetings he has had with Ministers or the Secretary of State at the Ministry of Defence during the last six months, stating the dates, times, venues and reasons for any such meetings?  (WAQ74123)

Answer received on 7 September 2017

The Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children (Carl Sargeant):  As indicated in my previous response to WAQ74060, there were difficulties in arranging meetings earlier this year. I shall now be meeting the Rt. Hon. Tobias Ellwood MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Ministry of Defence, on 18th September.

To ask the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government

Andrew RT Davies (South Wales Central): Will the Cabinet Secretary outline what financial commitments the Welsh Government are liable for in South Wales Central in relation to Private Financial Initiative schemes undertaken between 1999/2010 and list the schemes involved? (WAQ74119)

Answer received on 7 September 2017

The Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government (Mark Drakeford): The Welsh Government itself does not have any PFI assets in the South Wales Central area.
However since 2000, the Welsh Government has been committed to pay £5 million annually, index linked to the primary contractor associated with the Bute Avenue PFI project. The is the only PFI scheme in the South Wales Central area where the Welsh Government is directly committed to making payments, in this case until November 2025.
Full details on Welsh Government PFI Schemes are available within the Welsh Government Consolidated Accounts for 2016-17 which were laid at the Assembly on 31 August 2017.


Mohammad Asghar (South Wales East): What study has the Cabinet Secretary made of the effectiveness of business rate relief measures in supporting public houses in England in order to inform Welsh Government policy? (WAQ74126)

Answer received on 1 September 2017

The Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government (Mark Drakeford): The UK Government has not published information on the effectiveness of its relief schemes. Many authorities in England have only recently implemented the relief announced in the UK Government’s March Budget, meaning their impact is not yet discernible.
In contrast, the Welsh Government acted quickly to support ratepayers, including public houses. We extended our Small Business Rates Relief and are consulting on proposals for a new permanent scheme, as well as implementing a transitional relief scheme and high street relief scheme in time for the beginning of the financial year.

Mohammad Asghar (South Wales East): What plans does the Cabinet Secretary have to introduce rate relief measures for public houses in Wales? (WAQ74127)

Answer received on 1 September 2017

Mark Drakeford: The Welsh Government already has a number of rates relief schemes in place which assist eligible ratepayers, including public houses. These are our Small Business Rates Relief, Transitional Rates Relief and High Street Rates Relief. In addition, local authorities have discretionary powers which they can use to provide further support.
I am also consulting on proposals to introduce a permanent Small Business Rates Relief scheme from 2018 onwards which provides better targeted relief for eligible businesses.