Business Committee

The Business Committee was responsible for the organisation of Senedd Business. Its role was to “facilitate the effective organisation of Senedd proceedings” as stated in Standing Order 11.1.

The Presiding Officer chaired the meetings, which were attended by the Trefnydd and a Business Manager from each of the other political group represented in the Senedd.

Role of the Business Committee

The Committee usually meets weekly in private when the Senedd is in session, to comment on proposals for the organisation of Government business and to determine the organisation of Senedd business in Plenary. The minutes for these meetings will be published once agreed by the Committee.

The Committee may choose to meet in public on an ad hoc basis, to make recommendations on the general practice and procedure of the Senedd in the conduct of its business, including any proposals for the re-making or revisions of Standing Orders.

These meetings will be subject to the normal procedures for public meetings and members of the public are welcome to sit in the public gallery to observe them. Information on how to attend a meeting of the Committee can be found in the Attend a Committee Meeting section.

The Senedd Timetable

The Business Committee must publish a timetable every six months that:

  • outlines timetables for Plenary meetings;
  • establishes times available for other committee meetings within the Senedd;
  • establishes times for meetings of political groups;
  • outlines dates for oral questions to be taken in Plenary meetings.
View the Senedd Timetable

Reports produced by the Business Committee


The Business Committee is responsible for the organisation of Senedd Business. It is the only Committee whose functions and remit is set out in Standing Orders. Its role is to “facilitate the effective organisation of Senedd proceedings” as stated in Standing Order 11.1.

The Presiding Officer chairs the meetings, which is attended by the Trefnydd and a Business Manager from each of the other political group represented in the Senedd.

The Committee usually meets weekly in private when the Senedd is in session, to comment on proposals for the organisation of Government business and to determine the organisation of Senedd business in Plenary. The minutes for these meeting will be published once agreed by the Committee.

The Committee may choose to meet in public on an ad hoc basis, to make recommendations on the general practice and procedure of the Senedd in the conduct of its business, including any proposals for the re-making or revisions of Standing Orders.

These meetings will be subject to the normal procedures for public meetings and members of the public are welcome to sit in the public gallery to observe them. Information on how to attend a meeting of the Committee can be found in the Attend a Committee Meeting section.

Committee Members