Periods during which the Senedd does not formally sit. During this time Members can undertake work in their constituencies.
A glossary of parliamentary terms
A-Z index of glossary terms
Use the letters below to reveal a list of glossary terms.
Record of Proceedings (Y Cofnod)
The official record of Plenary meetings which includes all statements, speeches and interventions made by Members of the Senedd and the details of any votes taken. The Record of Proceedings is published by the Senedd's Translation and Reporting Service within 24 hours of the end of the meeting. A record is also taken of committee meetings, a draft version of which is usually published within a week of each meeting. These transcripts are available from the individual committees’ webpages or by Searching the Senedd website.
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The process by which a question is referred to the electorate, who vote on it in a similar way to an election. The Senedd was set up following a ‘yes’ vote in a referendum held in September 1997. In March 2011, a referendum was held on the legislative powers of the Senedd. The people of Wales voted in favour of giving the further powers for making laws in Wales, with 63.5% of those voting in favour of the change.
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For the purposes of the Senedd elections, Wales is divided into five regions: South Wales East; South Wales Central; South Wales West; Mid and West Wales; North Wales. Each region elects four Members using a system of proportional representation, called the Additional Member System
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Register of Members’ Interests
The Senedd maintains and publishes a Register of Members’ Financial and Other Interests and a Record of the Employment of Family Members.
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Research Service
A service within the Senedd which provides expert and impartial research and information to support Members and committees in fulfilling the scrutiny, legislative and representative functions of the Senedd.
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Reserved Matters
Acts of the Senedd must not relate to any reserved matter set out in Schedule 7A (such as modern slavery, electricity, road and rail transport, medicines) of the Government of Wales Act 2006 (as amended by the Wales Act 2017)
Last Updated 16/12/2024