Social media house rules

Published 01/01/2020   |   Last Updated 23/10/2023   |   Reading Time minutes

We want our social media channels to be a respectful place for questions, discussion and debate.

To make sure our channels are safe and enjoyable places for everyone, we have a short set of ‘house rules’. These rules apply when posting on any of our social media channels.

Please do:

  • comply with the social media platform’s (i.e. Facebook, LinkedIn etc) terms of use
  • use some Cymraeg in your posts, especially if you’re learning
  • keep your posts on topic
  • keep the language appropriate and be respectful to others who are posting
  • share our posts with your friends and family.

Please do not:

  • post or share personal information
  • post anything unlawful, defamatory, libellous, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, sexually oriented or racially offensive
  • bully, harass, unlawfully discriminate against or intimidate anyone
  • post graphic, sensitive or offensive imagery
  • make false or misleading statements
  • impersonate or post as other people
  • spam or troll our social media channels (i.e. persistent negative or abusive posts, or posts designed to provoke negative or abusive responses)
  • post the same message, or a similar message, repeatedly
  • promote or advertise other services on our channels
  • post links that direct people to irrelevant, harmful, or inappropriate sites or adverts
  • post content which infringes copyright or any other intellectual property rights.

We’ll remove posts that we feel:

  • are disrespectful to others
  • are inappropriate
  • do not comply with a social media platform’s terms of use
  • break these house rules.

We’ll block, ban and/or report any user to the associated social media platform who:

  • doesn’t comply with the social media platform’s terms of use
  • repeatedly breaks these house rules.


The Senedd Commission Digital Team must remain politically neutral at all times, which is why we are unable to reply to, endorse or engage with any content on social media that is of a party political nature. If you wish to discuss political issues, please contact a Member of the Senedd.