International Framework - Past Updates

The Senedd's International Framework was agreed in September 2022 by the Senedd Commission and is implemented by colleagues across the organisation, including the Llywydd's Private Office, Research, and Senedd Committees.

Information on recent international events can be found below.

Past Updates

Committee Report – Culture and the EU

The CCWLSIR Committee have published their report ‘Culture shock: Culture and the new relationship with the European Union’, making 14 recommendations. The report was launched at an event in Brussels as part of a visit undertaken by the Committee in November 2024. 

The UK’s New Border Operating Model

After the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, the UK, Welsh, and Scottish governments and officials from Northern Ireland designed a new import regime, the Border Target Operating Model (BTOM). Published in August 2023, it set out a timetable for the introduction of new trade controls on all imports, including imports from the EU.  

More detail can be found in the Senedd Research article, Wales and the UK’s new border operating model, and the Economy, Trade, and Rural Affairs Committee published its report  Border Target Operating Model: A view from Wales in October 2024.  

Cross-Committee Delegation Visit to Ireland

The Deputy Presiding Officer led a Cross-Committee delegation to Ireland in September 2024. Members from the Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sports, and International Relations Committee, Economy, Trade, and Rural Affairs Committee, and the Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee visited Dublin between 18-20 September, where they met with their counterpart Committees at the Oireachtas and received an official welcome from the Ceann Comhairle. Members also met with Welsh Government officials in Dublin, the Irish Government’s Department for Foreign Affairs, Arts Council Ireland, and other key partners. Discussions included parliamentary procedure, sport, culture, renewable energy & trade, as well as the Ireland-Wales Shared Statement.

The Deputy Presiding Officer also took the opportunity to meet with Deputy Speaker Steve Aiken MLA in the Northern Ireland Assembly, the first official visit from the Senedd to Stormont since Assembly business resumed.  

A visit report has since been published, with suggested actions for each Committee.

Monitoring Report – EU Settlement Scheme

As part of its ongoing monitoring of the implementation of the EU Settlement Scheme, the Equality and Social Justice Committee published a monitoring report in September 2024.  

The Committee published its second annual report on its monitoring of the scheme in April 2024.  

Cardiff Airport, the Welsh Government and its International Strategy

Senedd Research recently published this article on how the Welsh Government’s investment in Cardiff Airport relates to its International Strategy. The article also looks at the Senedd’s scrutiny of this investment and of the Welsh Government’s International Strategy.

CPA Conference - Artificial Intelligence and Disinformation

In June 2024, Lee Waters MS attended the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association conference on Artificial Intelligence and Disinformation: ‘Democracy in the age of deepfakes’, and published this report upon his return.

Visit – Speaker of the Assemblée Nationale du Québec

In June, the Llywydd welcomed a delegation from the Assemblée Nationale du Québec, led by their Speaker the Hon. Nathalie Roy. Their visit included a day programme at the Senedd and a cultural visit to St Fagan’s National History Museum.

Read more about their visit here.

Welsh Government International Relations Priorities

Senedd Research recently published this article on the Welsh Government’s International Relations, which includes details of priority countries and regions, international bilateral agreements and overseas offices, as well as a useful new infographic!  

Monitoring Report – Ministers’ International Activity

The Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sports and International Relations Committee considered this monitoring report as part of its regular monitoring of the International Activity undertaken by Welsh Government Ministers.  

In June, the Committee held a scrutiny session with the First Minister focussed on the Welsh Government’s International Relations. The Committee is also currently conducting an inquiry into Culture and the UK-EU relationship.

66th BIPA Plenary - Wicklow, Ireland

The 66th BIPA Plenary was held in Co. Wicklow in April 2024, where the Senedd was represented by Heledd Fychan MS, Darren Millar MS, and Sarah Murphy MS. Members agreed 2023’s Annual Report and the BIPA Economic Committee’s report on Government Energy Strategy and Consumer Energy Policy.

The Plenary focussed on Tourism and heard from the British and Irish Ambassadors as well as new Taoiseach Simon Harris TD. The next Plenary will be held in September, on the theme of Defence & Security.

More information on the 66th BIPA Plenary is available here.

Westminster Seminar - Senedd Programme

As part of the CPA UK's flagship Westminster Seminar, in March 2024 the Senedd hosted a day programme for members and clerks from small and sub-national legislatures from across the Commonwealth.

Read more about the Westminster Seminar day programme here.

Visit of the Ceann Comhairle of Dáil Éireann

In March 2024, the Senedd welcomed Seán Ó Fearghaíl, the Ceann Comhairle for a day programme that included meetings with the Llywyddion and members.

Read more about the Ceann Comhairle's visit here.

Committee Report – UK-EU governance

The Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee have completed their Inquiry into UK-EU Governance. As part of the inquiry, the Committee undertook an evidence-gathering visit to Brussels to take evidence from EU institutions and stakeholders and produced a summary of the visit's key themes. The report has been published and a plenary debate was held on 21 February 2024.

Committee Report – Wales-Ireland relations

The Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee have published their report on Wales-Ireland relations. As part of the inquiry, the Committee undertook an evidence-gathering visit to Dublin, and reported on that visit here. A Plenary debate on the Committee report was held on 29 November 2023.

66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference – Accra, Ghana

The 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference was held in Accra, Ghana between 2-5 October 2023, on theme of “The Commonwealth Charter 10 years on: Values and Principles for Parliaments to Uphold”.  

The Senedd was represented by Adam Price MS and Carolyn Thomas MS, their reflections are available to read in this conference report.