People of the Senedd

Lindsay Whittle

Lindsay Whittle

My Senedd Activities

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Detailed information: Lindsay Whittle


Lindsay Whittle was a Member of the National Assembly for Wales between May 2011 and April 2016. This was his biography at the time he left.

Personal history

Lindsay lives in Abertridwr, near Caerphilly.

Professional background

Lindsay is a former housing manager in Cardiff – a career he pursued for 25 years. He was also the leader of Caerphilly County Borough Council from 2008, a post he served in for the second time, after previously leading the authority between 1999 and 2004.

Political history

Lindsay’s political interests include housing and local government, as well as issues such as combating homelessness.


Lindsay has been an unpaid county councillor in Caerphilly since May 2012.  He also still serves as a governor for his old school, Cwm Ifor Primary.

Register of Interests

Register of Interests – Fourth Assembly (PDF, 850kb)


Media Assets

Calendar events: Lindsay Whittle