Nomination of the First Minister

Published 11/09/2020   |   Last Updated 11/09/2020   |   Reading Time minutes

Nominations for the appointment of First Minister can take place during the first Plenary meeting after an election or at any subsequent Plenary meeting, subject to the Senedd resolving to do so. The Senedd will be invited by the Presiding Officer to agree that nominations take place. If any Member objects, an electronic vote will be called. Nomination proceedings will only take place if a majority of Members voting agree.

The process for nominating the First Minister is outlined below :


Nomination of the First Minister

Roll Call

If a vote by roll call is required, the Presiding Officer will ask each Member present in the Siambr (in alphabetical order) to state the name of their preferred candidate. Members will also be given the option to abstain. The Presiding Officer and Deputy Presiding Officer are not permitted to vote. Members nominated for the role of First Minister are permitted to vote.

If two Members have been nominated and the roll call results in a tie (or if there are two remaining candidates after others are eliminated), further votes by roll call will take place.

If more than two Members have been nominated and no Member receives more than half of the votes cast, the candidate with the lowest number of votes will be eliminated.  Further votes by roll call will take place until one candidate has received more than half of the votes cast.

Nomination Result

The Presiding Officer will immediately recommend to Her Majesty that the Member nominated by the Senedd be appointed as First Minister. The nominee for the appointment of First Minister may choose to make a speech immediately after his or her nomination.