Access to inland waterways - First evidence session to be held at Royal Welsh Show.

Published 20/07/2009   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Should there be an automatic right of access to our rivers, lakes and reservoirs?

That’s the question members of the National Assembly’s Sustainability Committee will be asking witnesses when they begin their inquiry into access to inland waterways at the Royal Welsh Show on July 21.

The committee will be taking evidence from Professor Andrew Church from the University of Brighton and the University of Gloucestershire’s Dr John Powell who have both produced reports on the issue for the Environment Agency and Countryside Council for Wales.

“This issue came to us from the National Assembly for Wales’ Petition’s Committee,” said committee chair, Mick Bates AM.

“It started life as a petition from the Welsh Canoeing Association so it shows that the National Assembly is seriously looking at the issues raised by voters of Wales.

“We understand that there are strongly held views on both sides of this argument which is why we are holding an extensive inquiry into the issue.”

The meeting will be held in public at the National assembly for Wales’ stand at the Royal Welsh Shows’ Lanellwedd showground between 10.30am and 12noon.

Members of the public who’ll be at the Royal Welsh Show are invited to attend the session but must notify the Assembly Booking Line in advance on 0845 010 5500 as there are limited spaces.

This will be the first evidence in an inquiry which will continue into the autumn term.

Copies of the consultation letter will be available at the meeting and on the Sustainability Committee’s website on