AMs say yes to proposed new belt-up law for school buses

Published 16/12/2010   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

AMs say yes to proposed new belt-up law for school buses

16 December 2010

A cross-party committee of Assembly Members has agreed, in principle, a proposed Welsh law that would compel local authority and governing body-provided school transport to be fitted with seatbelts.

However, it has recommended that the Measure is amended to ensure it applies to school transport provided throughout the day, not just during the school run.

The proposed Safety on Learner Transport (Wales) Measure aims to introduce a number of compulsory safety regulations for school transport, including the use of appropriate seatbelts and CCTV.

Under the Measure, trained supervisors would be provided for some learner transport, mandatory training for drivers would be developed and vehicles that don’t meet strict safety standards would be phased out.

Welsh Ministers would also have the power to create an enforcement body and make safety breaches by transport providers a criminal offence.

Chair of Legislation Committee No.4, Jenny Randerson AM, said: “Safety on school transport is an issue that affects young people and parents all over Wales, so the Committee sees the proposed Measure as a potentially significant piece of legislation.

“Implementing specific requirements to improve safety on vehicles that transport our young people to and from school will build confidence in parents and the wider public and ensure that sufficiently high safety standards are commonplace in Wales.”

The Committee took evidence from a number of organisations and individuals to inform its scrutiny of the Measure, including Belt Up School Kids (BUSK), the Children’s Commissioner for Wales and local authorities.

Although the Committee supported the aims of the proposed Measure, its report contains a number of recommendations to aid its development.

The Measure will now be debated by the National Assembly for Wales in Plenary before progressing to the next stage of the process, if agreed.