Are there lessons to be learned from the last three years of drafting Welsh Government laws? Have your say

Published 16/08/2010   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

Are there lessons to be learned from the last three years of drafting Welsh Government laws? Have your say

16 August 2010

The National Assembly for Wales’s Constitutional Affairs Committee is calling for evidence to be submitted for a short inquiry into what lessons can be learned from the drafting of Welsh Government Measures over the past three years.

The cross-party group of AMs will be looking at whether there are any lessons from the experience so far that might affect the way Measures are drafted in future.

It is also interested in issues of general significance that have arisen from the way Measures have been drafted.

Committee Chair Janet Ryder AM said: “Since May 2007, the National Assembly for Wales has passed eleven Measures using powers conferred by Part 3 of the Government of Wales Act 2006 - eight of which were Welsh Government legislation. A further six Welsh Government Measures have been published and are currently being considered by the National Assembly.

“The Committee welcomes views in a number of areas; including the extent to which Measures are drafted in clear language and provide legal clarity; the balance of what is included on the face of Measures and the extent to which Explanatory Memoranda provide a useful guide to the proposed Measure.

“We would welcome anyone with an interest in or knowledge of the field to get in touch with the National Assembly for Wales and have their say.”

Responses should be emailed to: or posted to: The Committee Clerk, Constitutional Affairs Committee, Legislation Office, Ty Hywel, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff, CF99 1NA by 24 September 2010.