Assembly arrangements on 30 November

Published 28/11/2011   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

Assembly arrangements on 30 November

28 November 2011

In light of the planned industrial action due to take place on 30 November, and so that no business is lost, all formal Plenary business which would otherwise have taken place on that day, has been rescheduled.

The business will be accommodated when the Assembly meets in Plenary sessions on:

  • 29 November between 13.30 and 18:00;

  • 6 December between 13.00 and 19.00; and

  • 7 December between 12.30 and 19.45.

The Senedd and the Pierhead will be closed to the public on 30 November.

However, the Ty Hywel building will remain open to pass holders and to a limited number of pre-arranged visitors