Assembly Commission in strong position for enhanced law-making role after tough self-analysis

Published 13/05/2011   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

Assembly Commission in strong position for enhanced law-making role after tough self-analysis

The National Assembly for Wales Commission has today (13 May) published its Legacy Report for the Assembly between 2007/11.

It’s the first time that the Assembly Commission has published an appraisal of how it has met its own objectives in terms of serving the people of Wales and scrutinising the Welsh Government.

This analysis helped inform preparations for the new Assembly which will have enhanced law-making powers following the ‘yes’ vote in the March referendum.

“The report begins with an overview of the approach taken by the Commission to its strategy and organisation,” said Claire Clancy, Chief Executive and Clerk of the Assembly

“It then provides a selection of milestones and highlights as a reminder of the considerable breadth of activity during the four years.

“The final chapters review achievement against each of the Commission’s five strategic goals and provide recommendations to assist the Commission in the Fourth Assembly.

“The ‘yes’ vote on the Assembly’s legislative powers and a different political landscape following the Assembly election will provide the new Commission with a context for reviewing its strategic goals for the Fourth Assembly.”

The five strategic goals of the 2007/11 Assembly were:

  • To promote and widen engagement;

  • to show unity, leadership and a bold response to constitutional change;

  • to demonstrate respect, probity and good governance;

  • to work sustainably; and

  • to ensure that the Assembly has the best service, provide in the most effective way.