Assembly Committee calls for evidence to its inquiry into funding of voluntary organisations
The Assembly Communities and Culture Committee has chosen to carry out an inquiry into the funding of voluntary sector organisations in Wales and is calling for those with an interest or expertise in this area to submit written evidence.
There are some 30,000 voluntary and other third sector organisations in Wales; with a total income in excess of £1 billion. The main source of income is government funding, contributing roughly a third of income to this sector. Our inquiry will gather evidence on generic issues associated with Welsh Assembly Government funding of the voluntary sector; so that we can identify specific problems and examples of good practice – and make appropriate recommendations to the Welsh Assembly Government.
Terms of Reference
To carry out a scrutiny inquiry into the Welsh Assembly Government’s strategic approach to the funding of voluntary sector organisations in Wales. The Committee will:
Examine the Welsh Assembly Government’s policy for funding voluntary organisations;
Examine policy directions issued to relevant funding bodies;
Examine procedures for monitoring the outcomes of such funding;
Examine 'gender budgeting’ issues with regard to such funding;
Examine the ease or difficulty experienced by relevant organisations in accessing funding; and
Submit a report to the appropriate Welsh Minister, with recommendations.
The call for evidence is to seek views on the following issues:
1. Ease or difficulty of obtaining funding from the Welsh Assembly Government or relevant national funding bodies.
2. Ease or difficulty in complying with constraints or conditions placed on funding.
3. Issues related to the duration or timing of funding.
4. Any other comments relevant to the inquiry.
Further information on the committee and its inquiry