Assembly Committee hears from male victims of Domestic Abuse

Published 15/07/2008   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Assembly Committee hears from male victims of Domestic Abuse

The Dyn Project, which supports male victims of domestic abuse, will discuss the issue with the Communities and Culture Committee of the National Assembly for Wales at its next meeting on Thursday 17th July.

The Committee will be gathering evidence for its current inquiry into Domestic Abuse and will also discuss the needs of children affected by domestic abuse with the office of the Children's Commissioner for Wales, and BBC Children in Need.

Chair of the Committee, Janice Gregory AM said: ”In taking evidence the Committee has recognised that domestic abuse is an issue that affects people from all walks of life regardless of gender, sexuality, race, age or socio-economic background, and that domestic abuse has a profound effect on children even when they are not directly subjected to abuse themselves.

“Whilst most people are aware of the plight of female victims of domestic abuse, there is much less awareness about male victims and the support that is available for them. The Committee is committed to ensuring that the right support is available to every person who needs it, and so I am very interested to hear what the Dyn Project has to say.”

The meeting takes place in Committee Room 3, The Senedd from 1.30pm until 3.30pm.

Further information about the committee and an agenda