Assembly Committee to meet at Royal Welsh Show

Published 15/07/2008   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Assembly Committee to meet at Royal Welsh Show

The Petitions Committee of the National Assembly for Wales will meet on Wednesday 23rd July at the National Assembly for Wales pavilion at the Royal Welsh Show.

The Committee will discuss a petition calling for the Assembly to request that the Minsiter for Heritage does everything in his power to ensure the survival of the Wyeside Arts Centre at The Royal Welsh Show with local petitioners and discuss a petition calling for a Welsh Language Daily Newspaper. Members will consider new petitions received since the last meeting as well as receiving an update on previous petitions.   

Chair of the Committee, Val Lloyd AM said: The petitions system is providing the people of Wales with an opportunity to engage with us on issues that are important to them. These issues are often local ones and we are very pleased that the Royal Welsh Show not only gives us the opportunity to discuss this particular issue with local people but also to show others from across Wales that the Assembly could help with issues in their areas or even those of national importance .  

The meeting takes place at the National Assembly Pavilion the Royal Welsh Showground, Llanelwedd from 2.00pm until 4.00pm. Further information about the committee and an agenda

Public seating for the meeting is limited, therefore members of the public are strongly advised to book in advance. To book a seat phone 0845 010 5500 or email As the meeting is taking place during the Royal Welsh Show, admission charges to the showground will apply.