Assembly inquiry to examine participation in the arts
14 February 2012
A new National Assembly for Wales inquiry will examine what effects budget cuts have had on the number of people participating in the arts in Wales.
The inquiry will be undertaken by a task and finish group set up by the Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee.
It has been prompted by a number of petitions submitted to the National Assembly expressing concern at funding cuts for arts projects around the country and the resulting impact on local communities.
As well as assessing those impacts the group also intends to identify gaps in provision for participation in the arts, both demographically and geographically, and evaluate what policies the Welsh Government and arts funding bodies have in place.
“Community arts projects provide people from all sections of society with opportunities to get involved, express themselves and gain confidence through performing,” said Ann Jones AM, Chair of the Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee.
“We are well aware that these are hard times and that funding bodies and local authorities have tough decisions to make regarding providing essential services.”
“But we feel it is still important to assess the impact funding cuts have had on these services and the communities they supported while investigating what possible ways can be exploited using both voluntary and funding pots through existing policy framework to help plug some of those gaps.”
To help shape a picture of arts participation across the Wales the Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee has set up two questionnaires; one for arts groups and one for participants to give their thoughts.
The Committee will also accept formal submissions via email to or in writing to:
Clerk to the Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee,
National Assembly for Wales,
Cardiff Bay, Cardiff, CF99 1NA.
Questionnaire for arts organisations
Questionnaire for participants