Assembly to focus on Bovine TB at the Royal Welsh Show.

Published 20/07/2007   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Assembly to focus on Bovine TB at the Royal Welsh Show.

The Rural Development Sub-committee of the National Assembly for Wales will meet to take evidence on its first scrutiny inquiry into the current issues surrounding Bovine TB on Wednesday July 25th at the National Assembly for Wales Pavilion at the Royal Welsh Showground from 10.00am – 11.45am. In August 2004, the Environment, Planning and Countryside Committee published the findings of its inquiry into bovine TB in Wales. In June 2007, the Independent Scientific Group (ISG) on Cattle published its final report entitled Bovine TB: The Scientific Evidence The Rural Development Sub-committee is acting quickly to revisit Bovine TB in the light of the recent report and will scrutinise the Minister for Sustainability and Rural Development on
  • the Welsh Assembly Government’s response to the ISG report; and
  • the effectiveness of the implementation of the EPC Committee’s recommendations.
During the meeting the Sub–committee will take evidence from farming unions and the CLA. More meetings are scheduled for August and September, in which the committee will gather evidence from animal welfare groups and academics. The Committee will also take evidence from the Republic of Ireland before scrutinising the Minister for Sustainability and Rural Development on the Sub-committee’s findings. The committee will also hold a written consultation exercise for organisations and individuals to contribute their views on the issue. Chair of the Sub-committee, Alun Davies AM, said: “Recent media coverage of cases of Bovine TB in Wales shows how big an issue this is. We, as a committee, are fully committed to exploring the issues in depth and to consulting with those whose livestock and businesses are affected by the disease. We are very lucky to have the opportunity to meet at the largest agricultural show in Wales, which will help us discuss the issue as many people as possible in a location that is convenient for many people in the industry.” Public seating for the meeting is limited to 40 places, therefore members of the public are strongly advised to book in advance. To book a seat phone 0845 010 5500 or email Please let the booking office know of any special needs that you may have. As the meeting is taking place during the Royal Welsh Show, admission charges to the showground will apply. Notes for Editors
  • Full details and an agenda can be found here:
  • The Rural Development Sub-committee is a sub-committee of the Sustainability Committee. The main function of the Sustainability Committee is to consider and report on the relevant duties contained in the Government of Wales Act 2006 placed on the Assembly, the First Minister, Welsh Ministers or the Commission.
  • The Committee’s remit covers:
- Climate change
- Energy
- Rural Affairs and Agriculture
- Environment
- Planning
  • The Rural Development Sub-Committee was established on 5 July 2007 and its remit is to scrutinise the Welsh Assembly Government on the Government’s areas of responsibility that the sub-committee considers impact on rural development.