Audit Committee to look at problem of healthcare-acquired infections

Published 04/02/2008   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Audit Committee to look at problem of healthcare-acquired infections

The Assembly’s Audit Committee will be taking evidence on healthcare-acquired infections at its next meeting.

A Healthcare Acquired Infection (HAI) is defined as any infection occurring 48 hours after a patient has been admitted to hospital. The Committee will be asking Ann Lloyd, head of the NHS in Wales, Paul Barnett, Chief Executive of  Carmarthenshire NHS Trust, and Mike Simmons, Director for Health Protection in the National Public health Service, what is being done in Wales to tackle the problem.

Members will also be considering the Welsh Assembly Government’s response to the Audit Committee’s report on Protecting Public Money in the LG Projects.

The meeting takes place in Committee Room 3, Senedd, Cardiff Bay, at 1pm on Thursday February 7.

Further details about the committee