Busy day for visitors at the Senedd

Published 01/10/2010   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Busy day for visitors at the Senedd

1 October 2010

The National Assembly for Wales hosted two important visitors yesterday (30 September).

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg MP was met by Presiding Officer Lord Dafydd Elis-Thomas AM in the morning and was given a tour of the Senedd including the Siambr.

Mr Clegg then went on to meet the First Minister Carywn Jones AM as well as the leaders of the Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties in Wales, Nick Bourne AM and Kirsty Williams AM.

Later in the day, President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso attended an evening function at the Senedd, where he was shown an exhibition of Structural Funds projects presented by the Welsh European Funding Office - part of the Welsh Government.

President Barosso was also given a tour of the building by the Presiding Officer before going on to meet Welsh Members of the European Parliament at the Wales Millennium Centre.

President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso attended an evening function at the Senedd