Collaboration message top of the agenda as Presiding Officer says farewell to US Ambassador

Published 23/01/2013   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Collaboration message top of the agenda as Presiding Officer says farewell to US Ambassador

23 January 2013

The National Assembly for Wales’s Presiding Officer, Rosemary Butler AM, met with the outgoing US Ambassador to the UK, Louis Susman, today (23 Jan).

It is Mr Susman’s final visit to Wales before he steps down and is replaced by Matthew Barzun.

During their meeting at the Assembly, the Presiding Officer re-affirmed the links between the National Assembly and the United States.

“We both agreed that collaboration and partnership between the United States and Wales is important to both countries,” the Presiding Officer said.

“The Assembly has hosted US Embassy Officials from the Department of Agriculture whilst they were visiting the Royal Welsh Show.

“The Assembly also has an American intern programme which allows students the opportunity for a three month work placement within the offices of Assembly members of all political parties.

“We also spoke about how we could improve these links further, with perhaps greater links in the future, in order to learn from each other in terms of scrutiny and legislative processes.”