Committee calls for evidence on proposed affordable housing legislation

Published 17/12/2007   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

Committee calls for evidence on proposed affordable housing legislation

The Proposed Affordable Housing Legislative Competence Order Committee, which has been established to scrutinise the Welsh Assembly Government’s proposed legislation on affordable housing, has launched a public consultation to seek the views of interested parties.

The National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (No.5) Order 2008 (the proposed Order) will provide the Assembly with the power to make its own laws, known as Measures, in the field of housing. In particular it will enable the Assembly to introduce legislation in relation to the disposal of dwellings and dwelling houses by social landlords.  

In scrutinising the proposed Order, the Committee will consider:

  • the general principles of the proposed Order and whether legislative competence in the area identified in Matter 11.1 should be conferred on the Assembly

  • the terms of the proposed Order, and in particular whether they are too broadly or too narrowly defined.

Leanne Wood AM, Chair of the Committee, said “This Committee has been tasked with scrutinising the Assembly Government’s proposals. It is our role to ensure that the power being sought is appropriate and that the proposed legislation is fit for purpose. The Committee is keen to hear the views of individuals and organisations within the field of housing, which will help inform its work. I would like to encourage anyone with an interest in this area to visit our website and submit evidence to the Committee.”

The Committee would welcome views from interested parties on the following questions:

1.What are your views on the general principle that legislative competence in the area identified in Matter 11.1 be conferred on the Assembly?

2.What are your views on the terms of the proposed Order? For example, are they too narrowly or too broadly drawn?

3. Is it necessary to set out the meaning of social landlord in the proposed Order? If so, in relation to the meaning of social landlord, is the list of legislative provisions correct, or should there be any additions of deletions?  

Interested parties are invited to submit written evidence to the Clerk of the Committee at the address below, to arrive no later than Monday, 28 January 2008. If possible, please supply an electronic version in MS Word or Rich Text format, either by e mail to or on a disk.

The National Assembly normally makes responses to public consultation available for public scrutiny and they may also be seen and discussed at Committee meetings. If you do not want your response or name published it is important that you specify this at the end of your submission