Committee for the Scrutiny of the First Minister to scrutinise his plans for constitutional change in Wales

Published 07/10/2014   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

​The National Assembly for Wales' Committee for the Scrutiny of the First Minister will meet on 9 October in the Hywel Dda Centre, Whitland, to look at the implications for Wales of the current debate on constitutional change following the Scottish Referendum on independence.

In their first public meeting of the Autumn term, Committee Members will be considering the following:

  • Why the First Minister wants a UK constitutional convention,
  • who should be involved,
  • what issues it should cover and when it should be held,
  • whether Wales should be offered the same powers as Scotland and whether in his view there should be a referendum,
  • his views on the West Lothian question,
  • whether the Assembly should have powers over taxation, and what this would mean for the Barnett formula.

The Committee will also question the First Minister on issues of direct concern to people living and working in West Wales.

The meeting will take place on 9 October between 13.30 and 15.30 in the Hywel Dda Centre, Whitland. The meeting is open to the public, although places will be limited. To reserve a place, please contact the Assembly's Booking Team via our switchboard on 0845 010 5500 / 01492 523 200 or email 

Further details about the meeting: