Committee gains timetable extension to consider further details of the NHS redress scheme

Published 27/11/2007   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Committee gains timetable extension to consider further details of the NHS redress scheme

The Proposed NHS Redress (Wales) Committee has decided that it needs more time to consider the proposed NHS Redress (Wales) Measure 2007.  It has sought an extension to the reporting deadline on the Measure to allow it to consider, as part of its scrutiny of the Government’s proposals, further information to be contained in forthcoming reports.

The Minister for Health and Social Services has established three working groups to work out the detail of how the proposed NHS redress scheme will operate.  It is expected that these working groups will publish interim reports in mid-January 2008 outlining their proposals.  The Committee will report on the proposed Measure once it has had the opportunity to consider these reports.

Jonathan Morgan AM, Chair of the Committee, said:

“As this is the first Measure to be considered by the Assembly it represents one of the first tests of the Assembly’s new powers and so it is very important that we as a Committee scrutinise the proposed legislation very carefully.

“Therefore, it seems sensible to request that sufficient time is allocated to allow the Committee to consider the extremely important details of how the redress system will work.

“This will enable the Committee to be able to judge whether, in the interests of patients who have been the subject of medical negligence, the Government’s proposals are the best way to proceed.”

Further information on the proposed Measure and the legislative process