Committee to follow up inquiry into School Funding.
The Enterprise and Learning Committee of the National Assembly for Wales will consider the Welsh Assembly Government’s Progress in implementing the recommendations of the Committee on School Funding report on School Funding Arrangements in Wales at its next meeting.
In June 2006, the National Assembly for Wales School Funding Committee reported on School Funding Arrangements in Wales. The report made 27 recommendations, 23 of which were accepted by the Welsh Assembly Government. The Enterprise and Learning Committee has been carrying out follow-up scrutiny on the progress in implementing these recommendations since last year. Jane Hutt AM, Minister for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills was scrutinised by the committee in November and written consultation was invited between December and February.
During the meeting the committee will hold a follow up scrutiny session based on the written evidence. Members will scrutnise the Wales Audit Office and Estyn, along with the Minister.
Papers submitted to the committee
Chair of the Committee Gareth Jones said: “School funding, which includes issues such as school places and investment in school buildings, is a crucial issue. Last year the Committee scrutinised the Minister for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills on progress made in implementing the recommendations of the former Committee on School Funding. But the Committee also wished to ascertain the views of key stakeholders on the ground. Having done that I look forward to the opportunity to pursue a critical friend approach to challenge the Minister on the evidence, before we agree final recommendations”
The meeting takes place on Wednesday March 12th at 9.30am in Committee Room 3, Senedd, Cardiff Bay. More details about the Committee