Community pharmacies could improve Welsh health services according to a National Assembly Committee

Published 17/05/2012   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Community pharmacies could improve Welsh health services according to a National Assembly Committee

17 May 2012

Health services across Wales could be strengthened and improved as a result of a greater contribution from community pharmacies, according to a National Assembly for Wales Committee.

An inquiry by the Health and Social Care Committee found that pharmacies are in a position to cater to communities in a way other health services can find difficult. However, it concluded that more work needs to be done within community pharmacy to bring the standard of the whole network up to the standard of the best.

The Committee has recommended that the Welsh Government provides a clear national lead for the future development of community pharmacies. It also suggested that simple steps, such as placement of a prominent notice identifying the range of services available in any given pharmacy, would do much to further the public’s understanding of the variety of services available.

It also advises that the Welsh Government and Local Health Boards take action to address issues of cooperation and joint working between community pharmacists and GPs.

“Our main conclusion is to endorse the potential benefits which community pharmacies could and should be bringing to health services in Wales,” said Mark Drakeford AM, Chair of the Health and Social Care Committee.

“Although the Committee has raised concerns about the network’spresent ability to provide a similar standard and range of servicesin all parts of the country, we believe that expanding the role played by community pharmacy in primary care could improve patients’ access to health services in Wales.

“The Welsh Government has an important role to play here in establishing the national direction needed to deliver consistent, high quality standards across Wales, and professional leadership is also important inensuring that community pharmacies are able toplay a fuller part in the future.

“We were pleased to receive evidence that steps are already being taken to make that happen.”