Constitutional Convention – Presiding Officer calls for Wales’s voice to be heard in discussions on future constitutional make-up of the UK

Published 21/03/2014   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Constitutional Convention – Presiding Officer calls for Wales’s voice to be heard in discussions on future constitutional make-up of the UK

21 March 2014

The National Assembly for Wales’s Presiding Officer, Dame Rosemary Butler AM, has submitted evidence to a parliamentary committee on the future constitutional arrangements for the UK.

The House of Lords Select Committee on the Constitution is currently taking evidence on the possible constitutional implications for the rest of the UK of a “yes” vote in the Scottish independence referendum.

In her submission, Dame Rosemary says that Wales’s voice must play a central role in any future negotiations with Scotland in the event of a “yes” vote.

“I believe it is appropriate that whoever conducts negotiations on behalf of the rest of the UK should take account of, and be accountable to, the remaining devolved legislatures,” Dame Rosemary says in her evidence.

The Presiding Officer goes further in her evidence calling for a Constitutional Convention to be established to look at the constitutional set up of the UK – regardless of how Scotland votes.

Dame Rosemary says that although the focus is on Scotland, the referendum comes at a time of constitutional change throughout the UK with the Silk Commission reporting on Wales and last year the McKay Commission making recommendations on the issue of ‘English votes for English laws’.

“The existence of the Scottish vote itself highlights the importance of clarifying the constitutional settlements in each of our constituent nations,” the Presiding Officer says in her evidence.

“Clarity is needed on the future of the United Kingdom – and a central part of that should be informed by what is best for the people of Wales, recognising that it is the settled will of the people of Wales that there should be a devolved legislature.

“I believe that the best way of securing this clarity is to have a Constitutional Convention, with the aim of developing a coherent constitutional framework between the different legislative institutions of the UK

“A constitutional framework would provide an underlying, stable structure by which to support the future growth of devolution.

“Debate on the future constitution of the UK should include representatives of devolved legislatures, recognising the role of their Speakers and Presiding Officers as guardians of the institutions of democracy.”

The Presiding Officer adds that the Silk Commission’s conclusions could be regarded as the basis for the Convention’s consideration of Wales within the wider territorial constitution of the United Kingdom.

To view the Presiding Officer’s evidence in full click here.