Consultation on proposed changes to smoke-free premises law

Published 06/12/2012   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Consultation on proposed changes to smoke-free premises law

06 December 2012

Two Committees of the National Assembly for Wales have jointly begun a consultation to find out whether people think smoking should be allowed on premises where filming or drama productions are taking place.

The proposed amendment from the Welsh Government would make artists and performers exempt from the current smoke-free regulations if the integrity of the performance justified it.

The exemption would only apply if no children or members of the public were present.

To examine the proposed amendments, the Enterprise and Business Committee and the Health and Social Care Committee have each set up a sub-committee and will study the evidence together.

“On the one hand we will be examining whether there is a commercial need for this amendment and whether it will achieve its aim of supporting the creative industries in Wales,” said Nick Ramsay AM, Chair of the Enterprise and Business Committee.

“But this commercial need must be balanced against issues such as offering adequate protection to other performers, production staff and members of the public, as well as what health policy considerations are relevant to this amendment,” added Mark Drakeford AM, Chair of the Health and Social Care Committee.

Anyone wishing to contribute to the inquiry can either email: or write to: Committee Clerk, Smoke-Free Premises etc. (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations Sub-Committees, Committee Service, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff, CF99 1NA.

The closing date for submissions is Friday 18 January 2013.