Consultation on wide-ranging Public Health (Wales) Bill launched by Assembly Committee

Published 19/06/2015   |   Last Updated 07/09/2015

The National Assembly for Wales' Health and Social Care Committee is seeking the views of the public on the general principles of the Public Health (Wales) Bill.

The Bill, introduced by the Welsh Government's Minister for Health and Social Services on Monday 8 June, aims to protect and improve the health and wellbeing of people living in Wales and was formally referred to the Health and Social Care Committee on Tuesday 9 June.

The Bill includes provision for the following:

Tobacco and nicotine products

Restricting the use of nicotine inhaling devices such as electronic cigarettes in enclosed and substantially enclosed public and work places, bringing the use of these devices into line with existing provisions on smoking.

Creating a national register of retailers of tobacco and nicotine products.

Adding to the offences which contribute to a Restricted Premises Order (RPO). (An RPO prohibits the sale of tobacco products from a premises).

Prohibiting the handing over of tobacco or nicotine products to people under the age of 18.

Special procedures

Creating a mandatory licensing scheme for practitioners and businesses carrying out 'special procedures', namely acupuncture, body piercing, electrolysis and tattooing.

Introducing a ban on the intimate piercing of people under 16 years old.

Pharmaceutical services

Changing the way Health Boards make decisions about pharmaceutical services by making sure these are based on assessments of pharmaceutical need in their areas.

Provision of toilets

Requiring local authorities to prepare local toilets strategies for the provision of, and access to, toilets for public use, based on the needs of their communities. 

David Rees AM, Chair of the Health and Social Care Committee, said:

"This Bill covers a number of public health issues from tobacco and nicotine products, procedures such as acupuncture, body piercing, electrolysis and tattooing, prohibiting the intimate piercing of anyone under the age of 16, arrangements for providing pharmaceutical services to a requirement for all local authorities to prepare a local strategy to plan how they will meet the needs of their communities for accessing toilet facilities for public use.

"The Committee is keen to hear the views of the public on this proposed legislation and welcome the views of both individuals and organisations in Wales."