Delegation of Assembly Members lay wreath at Srebrenica memorial

Published 15/04/2015   |   Last Updated 15/04/2015

A delegation of Members of the National Assembly for Wales has laid a wreath at a memorial in Srebrenica to mark the 20th anniversary of the slaughter of more than 8,000 Bosnian Muslims.

On 11 July, 1995, the UN safe-haven for Bosnian Muslims, in Srebrenica, fell to Serbian forces.

Over the next ten days they massacred more than 8,000 Muslims.

As part of the 20th anniversary of this genocide, the Deputy Presiding Officer, David Melding AM, has led a delegation including Assembly Commissioners Sandy Mewies AM, Peter Black AM and Rhodri Glyn Thomas AM, to lay a wreath at the Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Centre.

The group was invited by the UK-based charity, Remembering Srebrenica.

Back in Wales, on 8 July, the National Assembly will host one of the three official commemoration events in the UK.

"It has been humbling to stand in Srebrenica and lay a wreath, with the message 'Wales remembers Bosnia', to commemorate the thousands of Muslims murdered in this horrendous war crime," the Deputy Presiding Officer said following the wreath-laying ceremony.

"It is hard to believe that an atrocity such as this took place in Europe such a short time ago, and so soon after the Holocaust.

"We must all remember what happened in Srebrenica – we must all try to do as much as we can to ensure that this kind of irrational hatred of our fellow human beings does not gain momentum anywhere.

"The National Assembly will also mark the 20th anniversary of this atrocity on 8 July when we host one of the official commemoration events in the UK."