Drumroll please – National Assembly Committee announces inquiry poll winner

Published 13/12/2016   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

​The winner of an online poll to decide which inquiry subject a National Assembly committee should look at has been announced.

The Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee asked the public to choose which topic to consider after receiving a number of ideas during a consultation over the summer.


People were asked to choose one of:

  • Strengthening Citizen participation and access to Welsh politics;
  • Saving local cultural heritage in Wales;
  • The teaching of history in Wales, focusing on Welsh culture and heritage;
  • Developing and promoting the ‘Wales brand’;
  • The Welsh Government’s review of museums in Wales;
  • Supporting and developing the unique and traditional art forms of Wales;
  • Access and funding for grassroots arts;
  • Supporting and developing those working in the visual and applied arts in Wales;
  • Developing the music industry in Wales;
  • Funding music education and improving access to it; and
  • Bilingual support for deaf, hard of hearing and people with communication difficulties.

Around 2,700 people voted in the poll. One in five voted for the same topic giving the Committee a clear winner.

So, without further ado, the Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee will be looking at, drumroll please, funding music education.

“Thank you to everyone who took part in our poll,” said Bethan Jenkins AM, Chair of the Committee.

“We heard so many good ideas for subjects we could be looking at as a Committee that we thought it only fair for people to choose which, in particular, we should focus on.

“Music in education was a clear choice and the Committee will be considering its approach to this inquiry in the New Year.”

The Committee has also committed to looking at the other subjects in the poll throughout this Assembly.