Finance Committee calls for evidence into Public Private Partnership schemes

Published 19/10/2007   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

Finance Committee calls for evidence into Public Private Partnership schemes

The National Assembly’s Finance Committee is calling for evidence for its inquiry into the use of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) (including Private Finance Initiative (PFI) schemes). The Committee wishes to examine the ways in which private sector money can be used to promote public sector projects in Wales and has agreed the following terms of reference for the inquiry: To examine the scope for drawing on private finance for public sector projects with particular reference to:
  1. the potential benefits, costs and risks that may be involved;
  2. any policy changes (whether to remove barriers or apply controls) that may be needed to realise the optimum outcome; and
  3. practical guidance to enable the public sector to strike the most advantageous arrangements within the agreed policy framework.
The Finance Committee invites written submissions from interested parties on any aspect of this inquiry. Interested parties are invited to submit written evidence to the Clerk of the Committee, to arrive no later than Friday 30 November 2007.   If possible please supply this in electronic form in MS Word or Rich Text format, either by e-mail to or on a disk. to John Grimes, Clerk to the Finance Committee, The National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff Bay, CF99 1NA   Witnesses should be aware that once written evidence has been submitted to the Committee it is treated as the property of the Committee. It is the Committee’s intention to place written papers on its website, and may subsequently be printed with the report. The Committee is also advertising for an expert adviser to assist with the inquiry – further details are on the Assembly’s web site. Further guidance on how to submit evidence