Finance Committee publishes report on Welsh Government supplementary budget

Published 10/03/2008   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

Finance Committee publishes report on Welsh Government supplementary budget    

The Assembly Finance Committee has today published its report on the draft Welsh Assembly Government supplementary budget.

The supplementary budget sets out the changes the Government wishes to make to account for in year financial movements and policy developments. The Standing Orders of the Assembly allow the Finance Committee to report on supplementary budget motions before the motion can be debated by Plenary.

The Committee found that there was no need to change the amounts proposed in the supplementary budget motion but members were concerned about the transparency of the process and have recommended a number of ways in which it could be improved in future years. A particular issue arose in relation to End Year Flexibility and the Committee has called on the Welsh Assembly Government to confirm the level of resource available to it from this source and to identify from where the accumulated savings came.