Fire safety in tower blocks to be examined by Assembly Committee

Published 22/06/2017   |   Last Updated 29/06/2017

​Fire safety in high rise tower blocks will be considered next month in a one-day National Assembly inquiry in response to the Grenfell Tower tragedy in London. 

The Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee will examine the safety requirements, guidance to residents and the current regulations in Wales on Thursday 13 July at the Senedd in Cardiff. 

Committee Chair John Griffiths AM said:

“We all watched in horror last week as the terrible events in Grenfell Tower unfolded, and I want to get reassurances that all necessary safeguards are in place to prevent such a tragedy in Wales.

“We hope to hear from those responsible in local government, housing associations, and fire and rescue services in Wales.  We will then follow up any issues with the Welsh Government.

“We want to ask the questions that people living in tower blocks in Wales are asking, and we will be inviting tenants groups to speak to us.  We want to receive assurances that where residents have concerns, they are being listened to and addressed.”