First Assembly Commission-proposed law to create an Independent Panel to set pay and allowances for AMs

Published 19/10/2009   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

First Assembly Commission-proposed law to create an Independent Panel to set pay and allowances for AMs

19 October 2009

The National Assembly for Wales (Remuneration) Measure has been tabled today (October 19).

It is the first-ever Measure to be proposed by the Assembly Commission and proposes the setting up of a new Remuneration Board, fully independent from Assembly Members that will in future determine members’ pay and allowances.

Establishing the Measure was one of the key recommendations from the Independent Panel’s report that reviewed the system of financial support for Assembly Members.

“The Measure will strengthen the devolution process in Wales,” said the Assembly’s Presiding Officer, Lord Dafydd Elis-Thomas.

“It will set a firm foundation for a more open and transparent system of financial support for Assembly Members that will command public respect.

“We recognise that the way we do things in Wales needs to take account of the particular needs of the Welsh democratic model and the expectations of the Welsh people, rather than linking our pay and allowances with a model which is right for Westminster”.

“If passed, this Measure will end that link and provide a unique Welsh perspective on the financial support that should be given to Assembly Members.”


The Measure in full can be viewed on the National Assembly’s Website

- This proposed Measure gives effect to one of the key recommendations made by the Independent Panel which was set up by the Assembly Commission to review the system for financial support for Assembly Members.

- On 7 July the Assembly Commission agreed to implement all 108 recommendations from the Independent Panel’s report.

- One of the recommendations was to break the direct link between the pay of MPs and that of AMs (at present AMs get paid 82 per cent of an MP’s salary, which is set at Westminster)

- Once that link is broken, it will be necessary to have a new way of determining the salaries of AMs

- Apart from salaries, the Measure proposes that all allowances (like office costs and second home allowances) for Assembly Members will be set independently

- The proposed Measure will establish an Independent Remuneration Board with five members in total, including the Chair

- The Board will be appointed on a statutory basis and operate independently of the Assembly

- Appointments would be made after open and fair competition, on behalf of the Assembly Commission but confirmed independently of Members

- Members of the Board would hold office for a fixed five year term and will only be able to serve two terms (10 years)

- The Board will decide when it meets although it must meet at least once in each calendar year

- The Board will normally only be allowed to make one determination in relation to Members’ pay in each Assembly session (every four years) – so the basic salary of AMs will be fixed for this 4-year period

- The Board will also keep under review and decide any changes to financial support provided to AMs

Measure Timetable

Measure laid – 19 October 2009

Stage 1 consideration by committee – end November 2009

Stage 1 Committee report – mid March 2010

Stage 1 Plenary debate on general principles – end March 2010

Stage 2 consideration by committee – end April 2010

Stages 3 and 4 consideration by Assembly and Plenary debate – end May 2010

Privy Council / Royal Approval – mid July 2010