First evidence session in sunbeds inquiry to hear from mum of burn victim

Published 09/07/2009   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

First evidence session in sunbeds inquiry to hear from mum of burn victim

The National Assembly for Wales’ Health, Wellbeing and Local Government Committee will today begin its inquiry into the use and regulation of sunbeds.

And in their first evidence session members will hear from cancer charities, the Sunbed Association, Charter Institute of Environmental Health and Jill McRae, mother of 14-year-old Kirsty McRae who recently suffered burns after visiting an unstaffed tanning salon.

“There is mounting public concern that ever-younger children are regularly using sunbeds which have, in some cases, resulted in severe burns for some users,” said committee chair, Darren Millar AM.

“That’s why we, as a committee, have decided to look at the issue and are going to hear evidence from the industry as well as those who use sunbeds.

“If we conclude that better regulation is needed, the committee may recommend that the National Assembly gets the legal powers to make new laws to ensure the safety of sunbeds to users in Wales.”

Among the issues that the committee will be considering are:

- The use of sunbeds by children
- The over use of sunbeds
- The supervision of sunbed users
- The use of coin-operated machines
- The monitoring and limiting of sunbed sessions
- The provision of health risk information at sunbed premises
- The inspection of premises

Health, Wellbeing and Local Government Committee