From Farm to Fork – National Assembly Committee in Brecon to hear views on food promotion.

Published 29/01/2009   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

From Farm to Fork – National Assembly Committee in Brecon to hear views on food promotion.

The National Assembly’s Rural Development Sub-Committee will be visiting the heart of rural Wales to put some meat on the bone of their inquiry into the production and promotion of Welsh food.

Members will be taking evidence from NFU Cymru and FUW Wales at an open meeting in Brecon’s Thetr Brycheiniog on February 5.

“Farming and food are the lifeblood of rural communities throughout Wales,’’ said committee chair, Alun Davies AM.

“And that’s why we’re visiting Brecon,  to listen to the views of those closest to the coal face of food production in Wales.

“It’s doubly important, at a time of economic constraint, that the National Assembly assesses the success of the Welsh Assembly Government’s initiatives in promoting and marketing Welsh food producers and their products.”

The session will begin at 2pm and it will be open to the public.