Have your say on EU Structural Funds 2014-2020

Published 10/10/2011   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

Have your say on EU Structural Funds 2014-2020

10 October 2011

The National Assembly for Wales’s Enterprise and Business Committee has launched an inquiry into the future of EU Structural Funds post-2013 and is calling for evidence from interested individuals and organisations.

The inquiry will be based on the European Commission’s newly-published legislative proposals for the future of EU Cohesion Policy, which define the architecture of future funding and set common rules to govern the different funding streams.

This legal framework will govern EU Cohesion Policy from 2014 to 2020 and will be discussed at European level in Brussels over the coming 12-18 months.

The Committee wants to influence these negotiations by feeding in the views of Welsh stakeholders.

Issues of interest to the Committe include what the proposals could mean for Wales, what the Welsh Government’s priorities should be in its negotiations on the proposals, and how Wales can ensure its views shape these discussions.

Enterprise and Business Committee Chair, Nick Ramsay AM, said: “EU Structural Funds are particularly important to Wales because they are providing around £1.9 billion of European investment funding to Wales between 2007 and 2013.

“We want to look at what the European Commission’s proposals could mean for Wales and ensure that Wales has every opportunity to inform the negotiation process before the new generation of Cohesion Policy programmes begin in 2014.”

More information on the inquiry, including the Terms of Reference, can be found here.

The European Commission’s draft legislative proposals can be found here.

Evidence can be submitted by email or post by 14 November to:

Siân Phipps, Clerk to the Enterprise and Business Committee, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff Bay, CF99 1NA, sian.phipps@wales.gov.uk.