Have your say on proposed new law to set up an independent board to decide on financial support for Assembly Members

Published 27/11/2009   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Have your say on proposed new law to set up an independent board to decide on financial support for Assembly Members

27 November 2009

The National Assembly for Wales’ Legislation Committee No.1 is starting work on scrutinising the first ever National Assembly Commission proposed Measure.

The proposed National Assembly for Wales (Remuneration) Measure will set up a new Remuneration Board, independent from Assembly Members that will in future determine members’ pay and allowances.

“This proposed measure recommends changing the existing arrangements for determining financial support for Assembly Members,” said Committee Chair, Rosemary Butler AM.

“If the proposed Measure is passed, it will mean that Assembly Members themselves will no longer have a say in their level of pay and how much they should be able to claim in expenses.

“The role of the Committee is to consider whether there is a need for such a Board and whether the legislation will achieve its objective of providing an open and transparent process for determining financial support for Assembly Members. What the Committee cannot do is to consider what Assembly Members are paid in carrying out their role. That will be entirely a matter for the Board, if one is established as a result of the proposed Measure.

“It is important that any changes to the existing arrangements instill public confidence in our elected representatives. That’s why we want to hear from all parts of Wales and from people from all walks of life to find out what their views are. ”

The main proposals of the Measure are:

  • The establishment of an Independent Remuneration Board with five members in total, including the Chair

  • The transfer of functions from the National Assembly for Wales to the Board in respect of decisions about Assembly Members’ salaries, allowances and pensions

  • Selection of candidates would be carried out by the Clerk of the Assembly and appointments made by the Assembly Commission

  • Members of the Board would hold office for a fixed five year term

  • Members will only be able to serve two terms (10 years)

  • The Board will decide when it meets although it must meet at least once in each calendar year

  • The Board will only be allowed to make one determination in relation to Members’ pay in each Assembly session (every four years)

Anyone wishing to have their say on the Measure should send their views to Legislationoffice@wales.gsi.gov.uk

Or to Claire Griffiths, Deputy Committee Clerk, Legislation Office, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff Bay, CF99 1NA.

Or visit the Committee’s website