Have your say! Tap directly into the work of the National Assembly through our new interactive discussion forum.

Published 15/05/2009   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Have your say! Tap directly into the work of the National Assembly through our new interactive discussion forum.

You, the voter, can now set the agenda by tell us what issues your Assembly Members should be addressing.

The ‘Have Your Say’ forum is a new interactive forum on the National Assembly for Wales website.

The Assembly’s priorities for the next five years are three-fold:

- to communicate more effectively what it does

- to make sure people are give the chance to take part in making laws and scrutinising government

- and to deliver practical outcomes for all the people of Wales.

That’s why the National Assembly has enhanced the services it offers on the website.

“The Assembly is committed to using the most modern and inclusive methods available to help people understand, engage and participate in Welsh democracy,” said the Peter Black AM, Commissioner for the Assembly and the Citizen.

“Use of new technology has the potential to engage with people who may not normally take part in Assembly business.

“The Assembly wants you to have your say on the issues that interest you.

“The development of our ‘have your say’ forum enables you to tell us what you think and send us your ideas for new topics so that you can set the agenda for a digital debate.

“So the main message is simply get involved – have your say!”

Those using the website will also be able to look at the work the Assembly is currently doing in both plenary debates and at a committee level.

They can also take the opportunity to submit an E-petition – and each petition will be looked at by the dedicated Petitions Committee.

To look at our enhanced website service visit www.assemblywales.org.

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