Health and Social Care Committee planning medical technology inquiry
24 August 2012
The National Assembly for Wales’s Health and Social Care Committee is planning to conduct an inquiry examining the appraisal of, and access to, medical technologies.
The Committee will start by asking for expert opinions on the key issues which should be considered as part of the inquiry, also known as the terms of reference.
In particular, the Committee would welcome comments on:
The uptake of medical technology in Wales and the possible barriers to effective new (non-drug) treatments being more accessible to patients;
The current appraisal processes for new medical technologies, including medical devices, diagnostic techniques and surgical procedures; and
The decision-making process in NHS Wales on funding new medical technologies/treatments.
The inquiry is scheduled to begin gathering detailed evidence later this year but its timing is dependent on the amount of legislation submitted to the Committee for consideration.
“The All Wales Medicines Strategy Group (AWMSG) exists to advise the Welsh Government on strategic medicines
management and prescribing,” said Chair of the Health and Social Care Committee, Mark Drakeford AM.
“But there is no such body in Wales charged with providing similar guidance for medical technology including devices, diagnostic techniques and surgical procedures.
“Research also exists that suggests Wales is lagging behind other UK nations in terms of the use of some devices. We would like to know if this is actually the case and, if so, why.
“I should stress that, at this stage, this is an opportunity to comment on the scope of this short, focused inquiry only, not to submit formal evidence.
“A further call for more detailed submissions will be issued later this year once the terms of reference have been established and made public.”
Comments should arrive by Friday 5 October and can either be emailed to or by writing to: Clerk to the Health and Social Care Committee, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff, CF99 1NA.