Heroes' welcome for Team Wales on steps of Senedd

Published 01/09/2014   |   Last Updated 03/07/2015

The people of Wales are invited to officially welcome home Wales's Commonwealth Games athletes in a celebration at the Senedd in Cardiff Bay, at 17.00 on 10 September

Athletes will parade down Pierhead Street in Cardiff Bay before being greeted by the Presiding Officer, Dame Rosemary Butler AM and First Minister Carwyn Jones AM on the steps of the Senedd.

"Team Wales have performed exceptionally well at the Glasgow Commonwealth games, exceeding the medal target by a wide margin," said the National Assembly's Presiding Officer, Dame Rosemary Butler.

"Sport Wales set tough targets for these games and our athletes rose to the challenge,  achieving Team Wales's best ever performance at the Commonwealth Games with a haul of 36 medals. 

"They have done Wales proud and it is only right therefore that we welcome them back with a fanfare on the steps of the Senedd so that the Welsh public can join them in celebrating their success."

Entertainment will begin outside the Senedd at 17.20 before the Presiding Officer and First Minister greet the athletes at 18.20

Those wishing to attend are invited to arrive early to ensure a good vantage point.

Follow the event on Twitter using #TeamWales.