How do we achieve a smarter energy future for Wales?

Published 20/07/2015   |   Last Updated 27/07/2015

The National Assembly for Wales' Environment and Sustainability Committee is seeking the views of the public on how Wales can achieve a smarter energy future.

The term 'energy' isn't used just to describe electricity generation but also the need to consider the implications of how people generate heat in their houses.

Wales needs to rapidly reduce its carbon emissions if it is to contribute to the prevention of global average temperatures rising more than 2° Celsius.

The Committee will be looking at:

  • Should we be burning fossil fuels such as natural gas or looking for low or zero carbon alternatives?
  • Can we decarbonise our energy system at a sufficient pace to achieve the necessary reductions in emissions?
  • What are the challenges to achieving this?
  • What's stopping us making houses more energy efficient?
  • What can we do to convince communities, businesses and industry to engage and transform the way they think about energy?

Alun Ffred Jones AM Chair of the Environment and Sustainability Committee said:

"To achieve this reduction in carbon emissions, we believe that a fundamental transformation in the way we think about energy is needed.

"This inquiry will be addressing many issues such as how Wales can achieve a smarter energy future, including low carbon energy supply, energy demand management and energy storage.

"We want to hear views on whether the current infrastructure and regulatory framework can deliver these changes at the rate of change that is necessary and what action needs to be taken by the Welsh public and those working in the private and third sectors."