How good are orthodontic services in Wales?

Published 11/02/2014   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

How good are orthodontic services in Wales?

11 February 2014

A National Assembly committee is looking at the provision of orthodontic services across Wales.

The Health and Social Care Committee has begun a consultation and is asking people to contribute their own experiences from around the country.

During the course of the inquiry the Committee will look at:

  • Access for patients to appropriate orthodontic treatment, covering both hospital and non-hospital orthodontic services;

  • Whether there is regional variation in access to orthodontic services across Wales;

  • How well the various players in this field work together to manage local orthodontic provision (to include how those in charge plan and manage services, how they manage referrals to services, how they manage performance, and how they arrange the workforce that’s needed to deliver these services)

  • Whether the current level of funding for orthodontic services is sustainable with spending pressures facing the NHS, including whether the current provision of orthodontic care is adequate, affordable and provides value for money;

  • Whether orthodontic services is given sufficient priority within the Welsh Government’s broader national oral health plan, including arrangements for monitoring standards of delivery and outcomes of care within the NHS and the independent sector; and,

  • The impact of the dental contract on the provision of orthodontic care.

“This inquiry will consider all aspects of orthodontic services including how they are funded, how they are provided and whether there are varying standards in different areas of the country,” said David Rees AM, Chair of the Health and Social Care Committee.

“In order to establish an accurate picture of the standards of services across Wales we are looking for people to tell us their own experiences.

“These views and opinions can be invaluable when it comes to shaping our conclusions and recommendations.”

Anyone wishing to contribute to the inquiry can either email or write to:

Committee Clerk

Health and Social Care Committee

National Assembly for Wales

Cardiff Bay


CF99 1NA

The closing date for the public consultation is Friday 4 April 2014.