In conversation with the Llywydd and talk on Brexit top National Assembly Eisteddfod programme of events

Published 21/07/2016   |   Last Updated 22/07/2016

​An in-depth interview with the Llywydd and a discussion about the implications of Brexit for Wales will be among the key events hosted by the National Assembly at the National Eisteddfod between 1-5 August in Abergavenny.

Once again the Assembly has organised a rich programme of activities for the Societies Pavilion which highlights the important position it occupies at the centre of Welsh public life.

On 2 August, the Assembly’s Llywydd, Elin Jones AM, will be in conversation with journalist Catrin Hâf Jones, talking about the unique challenges and opportunities she faces in the Fifth Assembly. The Llywydd will also take questions from the audience and through social media. Questions can be asked, either by using #AskLlywydd / #HoliLlywydd on Twitter, or posting on the Assembly’s Facebook pages, where the session will be streamed live.

Professors Roger Scully and Richard Wyn Jones, from the Wales Governance Centre, will discuss and attempt to explain, alongside other panellists, the different voting patterns seen in Wales and what the future holds in a post-Brexit Wales.

Further events will see the Care Council for Wales explain its new name, Social Care Wales, and its broader role, which includes service improvement and research, in addition to workforce regulation and development.

The Welsh Centre for International Affairs, through its Wales for Peace project, will explore how Welsh people have contributed to the search for peace over the 100 years since the First World War.

Finally, the Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee, led by Chair of the Committee Bethan Jenkins AM, will hold a panel discussion to consider ideas for issues it should be considering over the coming months/during this Assembly.

Assembly staff will be on hand promoting our #KnowYourAM campaign, helping people find out who represents them following the May election and how they can get involved in the Assembly’s work.

National Assembly programme of events at the National Eisteddfod – 1-5 August, Abergavenny*

Monday, 1 August:

16.00 – 17.00 – Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee: What does the future hold?

Tuesday, 2 August:

11.00 – 12.00 –Elin Jones AM, Llywydd of the National Assembly for Wales, in conversation with Catrin Hâf Jones

Wednesday, 3 August:

11.30 – 12.30 – Brexit and Wales: A Wales Governance Centre discussion looking at the likely implications of Brexit for Wales featuring Professors Roger Scully and Richard Wyn Jones

Thursday, 4 August:

11.00 – 12.00 – Care Council for Wales

Friday, 5 August:

11.00 – 12.00 – Welsh Centre for International Affairs: Belief and Action – The Wales We Wanted Then and Now

*All events will take place at the National Eisteddfod Societies Pavilion.