Inquiry into the future of the Wales and Borders Rail Franchise

Published 29/07/2013   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Inquiry into the future of the Wales and Borders Rail Franchise

A National Assembly for Wales Committee has begun a consultation for an inquiry on the future of the Wales and Borders Rail Franchise.

Among the issues the Committee will be examining as part of this inquiry are whether the current franchise meets passenger needs and what lessons should be learnt from it.

It will also look at how the franchise should improve the passenger experience in future, including the routes, service levels and rolling stock which should be included, and how passengers, communities and local government should be involved in development and delivery.

The new franchise will begin in 2018.

“The Committee has chosen to examine the future of the Wales and Borders Rail Franchise following our broader examination of integrated transport in Wales,” said Nick Ramsay AM, Chair of the Enterprise and Business Committee.

“That inquiry raised issues around the integration of rail services with other modes of transport, and now the Committee wants to take a closer look at how the rail franchise itself should be delivered in future.

“This inquiry will look at what can be learnt from the current franchise, and how the new franchise can deliver the services passengers need, while also providing value for money for passengers themselves as well as taxpayers more generally.

“We would like to hear from people who use, operate and work with these rail services to help inform our findings and shape our recommendations.”

If you wish to submit evidence, please send an electronic copy of your submission to

Alternatively, you can write to:

Dr Siân Phipps

Clerk, Enterprise and Business Committee

National Assembly for Wales

Cardiff Bay, CF99 1NA.

Submissions should arrive by Friday 13 September 2013 and should preferably be no longer than four pages of A4, have numbered paragraphs and in a word format. It may not be possible to take into account responses received after this date.