Is the Active Travel Act working for Wales? – New Assembly committee inquiry

Published 18/12/2017   |   Last Updated 08/01/2018

Is the Active Travel Act working? That’s the question being posed by an Assembly committee as it looks at the law which is meant to make it easier to walk and cycle in Wales.


The Committee launched its written consultation today seeking views on the first Welsh transport law, which came in to force in 2013.

Russell George, chair of the Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee, said: “The Active Travel Act called on local authorities to produce two maps – a first map of existing routes for walking and cycling; and a second map setting out their aspirations for the future.

“All local authorities should have completed those maps last month, so it’s time to assess how successful the act has been and whether it is achieving the change it set out to do.

“While we want to hear from those who are involved with the act, we also want to hear from people who don’t walk and cycle – to find out what more could be done to enable them to do so.”

In addition to its written consultation seeking views from those involved in implementing the Act, the Committee will launch a public survey to allow people – both those who do walk and cycle, and those who don’t - to have their say on the Act. The Committee will also be organising focus groups across Wales to further explore people’s views.

Mr George added: “The Active Travel Act is the most significant piece of law passed in the Assembly when it comes to keeping Wales moving.

“The Committee’s work will ask whether the law has been successful, and whether the action plan, the advisory Board and the design guidance for local authorities are effective.”


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