Is there enough support for vulnerable young people undertaking work based learning? Have your say

Published 20/07/2010   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Is there enough support for vulnerable young people undertaking work based learning? Have your say

20 July 2010

The National Assembly for Wales’s Petitions Committee has today (23 July) launched an inquiry into the experiences of vulnerable young people in work-based learning and is calling for evidence from interested parties.

The inquiry stems from a petition submitted to the National Assembly by Action for Children which raised concerns about learning opportunities for vulnerable young people, particularly those who are homeless.

The Committee will now begin a formal inquiry to examine the experiences of vulnerable young people who are living independently and on work based learning programmes.

“The Committee has heard powerful evidence of the hardships faced by some young people who pursue work based learning and live independently from their families,” said Committee Chair Christine Chapman AM.

“All young people should be given the best possible chance of undertaking training and achieving qualifications so this is an important inquiry that will look at the current situation and assess whether improvements need to be made.

“The Committee urges anyone who knowledge or interest in this area to contact the National Assembly for Wales and tell us what you think.”

To submit evidence please email:

Alternatively, send your response to: The Clerk of the Petitions Committee, The National Assembly for Wales, Ty Hywel, Cardiff Bay, CF99 1NA.

Specific issues of interest to the committee include:

-The availability and quality of work based placements
-The disparities between different training allowances and grants
-The impact on benefits
-The availability of funding for travel
-The availability of pastoral support
-The progression between training programmes
-The quality of training opportunities