More co-ordinated approach needed to tackle slavery in Wales – says National Assembly committee

Published 27/06/2014   |   Last Updated 30/07/2014

​​There needs to be a closer working relationship between Wales’s Anti-Slavery Coordinator, police and health and education services to effectively tackle slavery, according to a National Assembly committee.

While the Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee welcomed the work being done by the Anti-Slavery Coordinator, it was concerned that not enough was known about the role in other relevant services. One Police and Crime Commissioner in Wales said he had never heard of the Coordinator.

The Committee noted that Wales was the only nation in the UK to have appointed an Anti-Slavery Coordinator. But it also heard concerns that the role has very limited capacity or resources to drive the anti-slavery agenda forward.

Therefore it recommends that the Anti-Slavery Coordinator has the necessary resources available, including with regards to victim support, and that they provide value for money.

“A true picture of modern-day slavery in Wales is difficult to establish because many of the survivors are too afraid to come forward or receive support for fear perhaps of deportation in some cases or retribution from their captors,” said Christine Chapman AM, Chair of the Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee.

“In that regard we are pleased to see the efforts by the Welsh Government to have a clearer understanding of the problem in Wales and we welcome the work of the Anti-Slavery Coordinator.

“But we have concerns that, certainly in some key areas including the police, health and education sectors, not enough is known about the role of the Coordinator and we urge the Welsh Government to establish a closer working relationship between these services to help eradicate this inhumane issue.”

The Committee’s findings are contained in a letter sent to the Minister for Local Government and Government Business, Lesley Griffiths AM.

More information about the inquiry into human trafficking can be found here.