National Assembly committee opens consultation on Schools Standards and Organisation (Wales) Bill

Published 30/04/2012   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

National Assembly committee opens consultation on Schools Standards and Organisation (Wales) Bill

30 April 2012

A National Assembly for Wales committee is asking for the views of the public on the School Standards and Organisation (Wales) Bill.

The Bill, put forward by the Welsh Government, sets out a number of proposals that, according to the Explanatory Memorandum which accompanies it, ‘will sharpen the accountability of schools by bringing together, updating and tightening standards and management.’

The Children and Young People Committee is calling for evidence in its consideration of the general principles of the Bill.

Among the questions the Committee will ask are:

  • whether the Bill is necessary;

  • whether it achieves its stated purpose;

  • whether the key provisions set out in the Bill are appropriate;

  • what are the potential barriers to the implementation of these key provisions; and

  • whether there are any unintended consequences arising from the Bill.

“This Bill concerns the future development of children in Wales and, if passed in its current form, could have wide-ranging powers and implications for schools, colleges and education authorities,” said Christine Chapman AM, Chair of the Children and Young People Committee.

“I would ask anyone with an opinion or ideas to offer in this area to consider both the Bill and the Explanatory Memorandum which accompanies it and help us to answer the key questions we will be asking.”

The public consultation on the Bill will close on 22 June, 2012.

The Explanatory Memorandum, for the School Standards and Organisation (Wales) Bill

The Bill is at Stage One of the National Assembly’s legislative process. A guide to legislation in Wales

Children and Young People Committee